
Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Inkheart Review

Inkheart is about this girl called Meggie whose father has this really valuable book called Inkheart. The only problem is that Meggie's father has this strange power which allows him to read things out of books. One day he reads the villain out of Inkheart. The villain, Capricorn, sets about to destroy all the copies of Inkheart so he never has to return, but Mo needs one copy. When he read Capricorn out of the book his wife went into it.
My favourite character was Dustfinger, another character that got read out of the book. He is so mysterious and sad. He really makes you feel for him.
My favourite part of the books was when Resa and Elinor met. It was very wonderfully written. I could just imagine it so clearly.
One thing I didn't like about the book though was that Elinor spent a lot of time swearing. It really did put me off some bits of it. I couldn't like Elinor that much mainly because of the words she said.
All in all though I think this book is well worth reading. I have watched the movie Inkheart and I must say it wasn't half as good as the book. Sorry for all you who liked it, but it wasn't right.
I will give this movie a 7/10 rating. What do you think?
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  1. I haven't heard of that before! It sounds interesting and I'll check my closest library for it, though :) thanks for recommending it!

    1. It is very likely to be there. Its quite a famous books! You're welcome.


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