My friend, Kim, told me about BLOGS BY KIDS. After talking to her about it for a bit, I couldn't resist going to check it out!
I hopped over to my computer, grabbed my mouse and searched Very soon I was on the most amazing site ever.
So in case you're wondering Blogs By Kids is a blog where this mum and daughter go around and feature kids under 18s blogs on their blog and share blogging tips. It is totally worth checking out.
I soon found that all you had to do to get your blogs featured was leave a comment, nicely asking to have your own blog featured. So of course, I did.
Today the reply came, here is the comment that I got:
That was fun to get to know you! The waiting list at Blogs by Kids is pretty long but that will give you a little time to get a few more posts up :) Looks great so far!!!!
I can't wait, but their right, it will give me a bit of time to get some more posts up! I will have to get cracking!
Thanks Blogs By Kids! You're awesome:)